Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Revelations....

During the past 10 weeks of motherhood, I have learned many important life lessons.

--I never knew I could function on such few hours of sleep. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love, love, love to sleep. In fact, it's my favorite hobby. I was always in the bed early at night, and could sleep until noon if allowed. Now, I am lucky to get in 5 good hours of sleep per night with Baby K still waking up 2 times per night.

--The maker of caffeine pills is brilliant for those of us who really don't like coffee. I confess. I am a caffeine junkie. I love anything manufactured to give you energy. Re.d Bu.ll, caffeine pills, etc. Give me more!!!! (Giving this stuff up was the most difficult part of my pregnancy.) Why do I need energy, you ask? See above. You get the same "pick me up" without the after-taste.

--I probably wouldn't need all of the energy items if I would exercise. That's suppose to make you feel better.

--I hate exercising!

--I use to hate when I was little and my mom would lick her finger to wipe a little smudge off of my face. Well, I have became my mother. I find myself licking my finger to wipe off Baby K's milk mustashe. This really is a nasty habit, but it serves it's purpose.

--Daycare has really put a great, big, HUGE dent in our wallets. I really have to control my need to splurge when I am out shopping.

--Baby K is growing up WAYYYYYYYY too fast. Over the past week, I have had to pack away all of his newborn and 0-3 months clothes. He's already 10 weeks old! That just seems crazy to me.

--I miss being pregnant. Even when I was so sick with morning sickness, I really enjoyed being pregnant. I miss it. K and I couldn't even consider trying for #2 at this point in our lives. But, it makes me look forward to the day that we are expecting another little one.

--I hope trying for #2 comes a little easier. If it takes 5 years, Baby K would be beginning kindergarten!!!! (And that's if we started trying today!)

So far, those are the important life lessons I can think of. I'm sure that this list will continue to grow in the days ahead.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!

Friday, April 17, 2009

website for "Mommy's Answered Prayers" onesie...

This onesie was ordered from this website. Check it out. They have Christian clothing for babies and toddlers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Look who's 9 weeks old.....

My dear friend, Deidre, bought Baby K this onesie...isn't it perfect? Thanks so much Deidre!!!! We love it!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Week of firsts....

This has been my first week back at work. It has been really difficult getting back into the swing of things. My co-workers have been really supportive of me. I am happy to say that I can now see the top of my desk. I didn't realize how much paperwork one could accumulate in 8 weeks.

My return to work also means that this was Baby K's first week of daycare. On Monday morning K and I took Baby K to drop him off. His teacher had made a sign to hang on his classroom door which read, "Welcome K." My eyes teared up when I kissed him bye, but I fought back the tears. Monday was a very hard day for me. Leaving my poor, innocent child with people I barely knew. What if he needed me? Would they take as good care of him as I do? It was a day full of questions. I called around lunch to check on him, and I was told he was doing wonderful. He had slept most of the day. K picked him up on Monday, because I have school. So, I didn't get to lay my eyes on my child until 9pm that night! It was a terribly long day, but I survived.

When I got home from class on Monday, all I wanted to do was love on Baby K. As soon as I picked him up, he started crying. K told me that he had been so fussy all evening. He had a cough that was just starting and his nose was yucky. So, this was also Baby K's first cold. Baby K spent his first night sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room sitting up in his bouncy seat.

On Tuesday, Baby K went to daycare, but I called to see how he was since he was so fussy the night before. His cough had gotten so much worse and he was now running a low-grade fever. [Impecable timing!] On Wednesday, I missed my first day of work, since returning from Maternity leave (yes, that's a whole two days later) to take my sick little boy to the doctor. He has his first ear infection(s). Thank heavens the doctor gave him an antiobiotic.

Yesterday my mom kept him for me so I could work. Today, our daycare is closed in observance of the Easter holiday, so K's sister is keeping him. So--we have paid $170 for 2 days of daycare this week... Good times....

And lest I forget, this will be Baby K's first Easter. I can't wait to take him to church Sunday in his new Easter outfit, but more importantly, I can't wait until he's old enough to understand the true meaning of Easter.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ask Anything response (part 2)

Charne asked, "share with us how you managed to keep the faith while trying to concieve, and on those rough days what did u do to make it easier? how did infertility affect your hubbys faith?"

Charne, I wish I could say that it was easy for me to keep the faith while trying to conceive. The low-down-dirty-truth is that it was the hardest thing I've ever gone through. There were many days that I didn't have faith at all. I spent many hours questioning God or worse, directing my anger toward Him. Somehow, someway I just slowly let all of those emotions go. Getting pregnant was still just as important to me, but it didn't hurt quite as much. I learned to keep my faith by surrounding myself with supportive people. I asked so many people to pray for me during this time in my life. I believe their prayers carried me through this valley.

On those rough days, I would toss myself a pity-party. I would have a good cry (cause its my party, and I could cry if I want to :) and I would reach out in the blogging world for a shoulder to cry on. In my real life, there was only two people who I truly believed understood what I was going through--my husband and a friend from church who had too walked in my shoes. But, eventually, I would just get over-it and the next day (or day after that) would be better.

Infertility wasn't as big of a giant for my husband. He wasn't the problem in our inability to conceive, so I don't feel as if it took a toll emotionally on him as it did on me. However, with that said, he was so supportive of me during this time that I don't think I really gave him the opportunity to let it affect him. (As I was laid open on the operating table awaiting the birth of our son, I thanked him for being the wonderful man/husband that he is. He could have left me...but he stayed, even when we were told that biological children were not in our future. I know if our roles were reversed that I would have been as supportive of him. I love him just as much.)

K and I did deal with infertility differently. I was more "outward" while he never showed his emotion. I know it affected him, but he never let me see it because I felt so "fragile."

Eventually, I....

Will finish the post next time...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ask Anything response (part 1)

Joy asked: What was your first job?! Did you go to college and if so, where? What was your degree in?

Joy, my first job was at a supermarket as a cashier. I started working a week before my 15th birthday and have been working ever since! I wouldn't technically consider that a "real" job since I was only part time. My first what I consider "real" job was an office assistant for the company I currently work for. I have been employed here for almost 11 years. Now, I am a retail accountant and I handle the books and financial statements for 6 customers.

My current bachelor's degree is in Accounting. I went to school here. But, I am really in need of a career change, so I decided last fall to go back to school to become a Middle Grades teacher. I am currently working on my second bachelor's degree from here.

Charne, I got your question also, and I am working on the post. I hope to have it up in a few days.

If anyone else can think of anything you want to know, just ask. Right now, I am confused on the direction this blog needs to take. It began as an infertility blog. At some point, when I begin trying for baby #2, it probably will resume being an infertility blog. However, right now, it just doesn't seem appropriate for where I am in my life.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ask anything...

Lately, I have really struggled with topics to write about. My blog has really been pushed to the back burner with caring for Baby K. Many of you have kiddo's of your very own, or are very close, so you don't mind reading about my experiences as a new parent. Many of you are still waiting, and the last thing you want to read is the topics I have been blogging on. If you are still waiting, please know I am still praying!

Anyway, so I am coming to you for help. Ask me anything? Is there something you want to know about me? It can be about infertility, my marriage, my faith, or anything in between. So, ask me anything...