Friday, December 28, 2007

There's still Hope...

We went to our new OBGYN office yesterday. I must say I am pleased with our new doctor. He was very easy to talk to and it turns out that he and his wife also have been in our shoes. (Makes me wish I would have changed doc's sooner since this is the reason I stayed so long with Dr. D.) Basically, we are starting completley over with our treatment cycles. Unfortunately, I must have my HSG repeated today (to make sure my tubes are still open). This was extremely painful for me last time, but the new doc, Dr. R assured me that pain in this case was a good sign. It meant that my tubes were be flushed of whatever clutter they contain, hence the pain. So, I have prepped by taking 800 mg of Ibuprofin and hoping that it won't be so uncomfortable this go around.

Our next move, pending my tubes are still open, is to begin Clomid for a good, solid 6 months. I only used this drug for one month at old doc's office, and Dr. R suggested that it really wasn't long enough to see if it was working. So, off to clomid we go beginning next cycle. (I am excited, but have to say, I don't look forward to the hotflashes or night sweats. Yuck!) At this point, I am willing to try anything.

More to say, but will save for another post. He assured me to still remain hopeful, but to get my stress level undercontrol. (Easier said than done, huh ladies?)


AwkwardMoments said...

well having a dr yuou are please with makes this process MUCH easier. good luck on the results and starting clomid

Mindy said...

Hi! I will be praying for you today and I hope your procedure isn't too uncomfortable.
Glad to hear that the new doc. gives you much hope! Girl, I hear ya on the nightsweats.....NOT fun!
Will be praying for you!
In HIM -

Alison said...

Oh, I'm so glad a new doctor brings you hope again!! I'm having my HSG in about 10 days so I will be dying to hear about yours, blow by blow. Saying a prayer for you right now Elaine!

nancy said...

Good luck! Hope the HSG was easy, all mine were so painful.

Hey, a word about 6 months of clomid. My RE will never allow anyone to go more than 3 months at a time on clomid before he forces a non-medicated month for a break. Clomid does so much damage to your lining so he wants the 4th month to always be a med-free month to help out the damage it caused. You may want to bring that up before you go 6 months straight on it (but hoping you won't even need a 4th month!)

Amanda said...

Yay for the great new doctor and revived hope! I hope your HSG went well and that all was clear.

Good luck lowering your stress!

Searching said...

I'm so glad you like your new doc! Sounds like you have a great plan laid out. That has to feel good. A plan and action. I hate the stress comments. As if you can just magically wake up and decide to not be stressed today. Maybe some crazy people can do that, but not most. I'll check back for the HSG results!

MoonNStarMommy said...

WHOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I hope the Clomid works for you and it's true that you can't tell by just one cycle if the Clomid really works or not.. other then possibly making you ovulate...

I just started it again ... the first time I took it I didn't get pregnant until cycle 3 and that was my Noah... I strugged through 5 years of infertility before him.

The second time I took it I got pregnant on the 1st cycle but m/c ....

So this is my third round... and we shall see :)