Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thankful for April

After reading over my first handful of Blogs, I know, it's a little depressing. Doctor appointments, statistics, personal emotions--not that all of those things aren't important to what I am going through, or what you are facing--but no wonder I am so depressed at times. All I do is dwell on the circumstances at hand.

So yesterday I decided that I wanted to shift the focus of my blog somewhat. Those things will still be very important in my life, but perhaps I could "train" myself not to dwell on them so much. So, I have decided that every Thursday, I would make a commitment to let someone in my life know how thankful I am for them. Whether it be a greeting card, homemade cookies, or just a pat on the back, I am going to let the people in my life know I appreciate them and all they have done for me. (In essence, I will be counting my blessings which hopefully will help me to lose emphasis on those things that I don't have.)

Today, I am thankful for April, a coworker and friend, who has been through it all with me even when she had mountains of her own to climb. This year, while I was facing infertility, she was facing her 6 y/o son being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. April has always taken time out of her busy work day to hand me a Kleenex or drop me an email to let me know I was being prayed for. She has this way about her that she can make you laugh when your heart is breaking just to lighten the mood. She is one of the strongest people that I know, and has come to mean so much to me over the past few years. I am blessed to be able to call her my friend and know that she will always be there for me.


singletracey said...

what a great idea! Thankful Thursdays :-)

Deidre said...

What a blessing to have a friend that is there for you in the valleys. I'm glad you posted this. I've thought of you often today and prayed for you this morning.

Oh, have you considered coming to the bible study starting Monday night? It's on Paul and we're going to meet at 6:45. I have an extra book. If you're interested, let me know.

Have a great weekend, Elaine!

Yetty said...

that's a lovely idea. taking your focus off your life to look on others is always a rewarding experience. "One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed" God will repay you for the graciousness you have used to look upon April. Nice to stumble onto your blog.